Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Fans Debate Online About Who is the Better Rapper - Nelly or Drake?


A hip-hop debate gathered steam on Twitter on Tuesday (January 17) afternoon, as fans questioned who is the better rapper between Nelly and Drake. Fans went back and forth on who is the better rapper to who has had the best career, and many pointed out that Nelly has had legendary success in the music industry, and Drake is still carving out his path.
Back in 2013, Nelly defended Drake against criticism for singing and rapping in his songs. Nelly told DJ Vlad, “Everybody don’t like the mixture [of genres],” but some fans, a lot of fans – the guy sold damn near 800,000 the first week – so it’s a lot of fans that like Drake’s singing. I think that’s all he gives a damn about."

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