Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Will Smith Opens Up About Jada's Facebook Marriage Comments

Will Smith and son Jaden made the rounds to promote their new film "After Earth," where they opened up about their family life, and Will commented on Jada's recent remarks about their marriage on Facebook.  
"Jada is very serious and opinionated and she loves Facebook because it's the only place she's ever had where she's felt like all of her can be received. She's struggled her whole life where only a part of her is OK." 
Jaden also chimed in on his mom's love of Facebook, saying "[impersonating Jada] 'I don't care what people say. If we get hit for this, this is what the truth of the world is.' Uh, okkkkay mom. She'll be on the phone with a manager, 'I don't care what they said, I'm posting this on Facebook.' I think she should write a book." 
Would you read a book by Jada? 

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